Alpha Lion SuperHuman Supreme 357g


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 Alpha Lion SuperHuman Supreme Pre-Workout

How does SuperHuman Supreme differ from SuperHuman Pre?

Alpha Lion have somehow created a longer-lasting, more euphoric pre-workout experience thanks to the following improvements:

  • Added 200 mg of the wild Juniper Berry Extract
  • Added 50 mg of AstraGin® for MAXIMUM absorption

Why these two X factors? Why not just dump in more stimulants?!

Because Juniper Berry Extract increases both the effectiveness AND uptake of stimulants in the body!

While at the same time creating a more “euphoric” feeling while working out…

Add these to the already incredible SuperHuman ingredients present and you have an unparalleled MAX DOSED pre-workout experience: 

  • 375 mg of dual-sourced caffeine
  • 3500 mg of Beta-Alanine
  • 7000 mg of L-Citrulline Malate
  • 1000 mg of L-Taurine
  • 2500 mg of Betaine Anhydrous
  • And much more!

The synergistic effect of all these + the two new “Supreme X Factors” produces never-before-felt strength, energy, focus, and pump without the nasty crash!


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