
THE BUZZ! PB Stack 60 caps – Lean Bulk and Strength

(6 customer reviews)


  • Increased Strength
  • Increased Muscle size
  • Increased Glycogen Retention
  • Enhanced Recovery
  • Increased Appetite

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PB Stack 60 caps

It’s time to set a new personal best. PB is the ultimate blend of MK677, Ostarine and Rad140 for gaining mass and strength, while keeping body fat under control. Improve your training, recovery, appetite and sleep with The Buzz! PB.

MK-677 binds to ghrelin receptors on the surfaces of cells. This triggers a series of chain reactions including increased secretion of several hormones such as GH and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).

  • Increased Strength
  • Increased Muscle size
  • Increased Glycogen Retention
  • Enhanced Recovery
  • Increased Appetite

RAD-140 a potent selective androgen receptor modulator supplement  scientifically proven to increase lean muscle mass, stamina and strength without the side effects usually seen with steroid use. RAD-140 is more anabolic than testosterone and has a 90:1 ratio of anabolic to androgenic action making  RAD-140 one of most popular!

Ostarine is the most anabolic caps,  making it the original go to for people looking to increase muscle mass rapidly without the use of steroids. When bulking we often see people gaining around 5-7lbs and sometimes more in a 6-week cycle. It can however be ran for a maximum of 12  weeks without the on cycle side effects associated with steroid use.

Why stack ?

There are a few reasons why you might want to stack SARMs. If you are a complete newbie, we would probably advise starting with just one SARM to assess your individual response and to identify which properties of that product you do (or don’t) like.

From here, stacking SARMs is the logical way to progress your usage if you hit a plateau or are looking for something harder hitting. This also means that you can reap the rewards of two separate SARMs. For example, the highlight of one might be lean, dry gains, whereas the highlight of another might be enhanced recovery.

Stacking also means that you can use a lower dose of each, which may result in less risk of side effects than a high dose of one compound. This is especially true if you implement something non-hormonal like cardarine or mk-677 (which aren’t actually SARMs, but more on this later).

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6 reviews for THE BUZZ! PB Stack 60 caps – Lean Bulk and Strength

  1. Pablo

    I’m very impressed how good it is ! I must say it is the one of The Best Bulking Stack I’ve ever had for long time ! Feel very strong and lean the same time and mk677 helps a lot with Consuming the right amount calories I need through the day!

  2. Stigeorge

    Wanted to try a sarm that can help me add some muscle while not adding any fat.
    These tabs are doing just that. I have been training in gyms for over 40 years and I feel like I am 21 again. Been deadlifting today 2x body weight and it wasn’t even hard, normally it would take me week to recover from deadlifting but 2-3 days and I’m fine these days. It took about a week before I noticed how quickly i was recuperating from a workout, then after 2 weeks i felt heavier but just muscle.
    After a pct and a break I’ll come back to these later in the year.

  3. Tin Amay

    Have been looking for an all round bulking stack for a while now. This has to be by far the best sarm I have taken to date. Added on 1.5 stone (quality weight) and my strength has increased on bench, deadlift and squats. No side effects, appetite increased and sleep improved massively. Noticed a difference within the first week of taking this sarm. Took one tab in the morning and one at night. Recovered alot quicker and felt fresh for each training session.

  4. Harvey

    i started taking PB 2 weeks ago and the strength gains have been insane, my weight has increased by 19 Lbs with noticeable changes to my physique. Make sure you have food to hand as the increase in hunger is staggering. If you’re looking to increase your food intake and pack on some size i cannot recommend this product more

  5. Luke

    Best Bulking stack I ever had! Definitely will recommend to anyone who looking to gain a few good pounds!

  6. Andy L

    Haven’t been at the gym over 4 years decided to go back also a hard gainer so I thought get a little boost to help me out. Well this stack is more than a boost it packs a punch, started 143lbs finishing weight 168lbs yes that’s right 25lbs and this wasn’t fat all solid muscle my Mrs thought I was on steroids. Strength went through the roof bench press went up 20kg, squat 30kg, hunger went up all good benefits no side effects. My diet was pretty clean kept intake around 300g protein 400g carbs. A++ product and service waiting for it to come back in for another cycle. Bit of advice take 1 in morning 1 at night seems to take full effect when doing this because of the half life.

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